Clean SWEEP of Tesoro!
Cole Contreras scores the winner against Tesoro with his first touch of the game!
The Varsity, JV and FS teams all won their games against Tesoro on Wednesday night, January 27th!
The Varsity boys won the second game of the night, winning 2-1 in a close competition. Goals from Micah Roye and Cole Contreras put the Mustangs up. Magnificent saves from Drew Johnson kept the boys in the lead.
The JV boys capped the night off, with a 2-0 win. Goals from Jake Cunanan and Tumelo Maieane gave the boys the lead. The partnership of Matt Rodriguez and Jimmy Muali were decisive at the back, keeping the Tesoro Titans goalless.
The Freshman started Friday off with a 2-0 victory! Goals from Steven Martinez and Surya Perugapali put the boys in the lead, while the partnership of Noah Lim and Van De Kreeke kept the clean sheet at the back.